
Cypress vs Sauce Labs 2023

August 15, 2023

Looking for in-depth comparison between Cypress and Sauce Lab for automated testing? Check out our comprehensive guide for 2023 and choose the right tool for you.

Looking for in-depth comparison between Cypress and Sauce Lab for automated testing? Check out our comprehensive guide for 2023 and choose the right tool for you.

In the ever-evolving landscape of automated testing software, Cypress and Sauce Labs have emerged as prominent players, offering robust solutions to streamline and enhance the testing process. As organizations strive for efficient and reliable software development, selecting the right automated testing tool becomes crucial. This article aims to compare Cypress and Sauce Labs in 2023, examining their features, capabilities, and advantages. By exploring the strengths and differentiating factors of these platforms, software developers and quality assurance professionals can make informed decisions about which tool aligns best with their specific testing needs. Whether it's cross-browser compatibility, test execution scalability, or comprehensive reporting, understanding the distinctions between Cypress and Sauce Labs will enable organizations to optimize their automated testing efforts and deliver high-quality software products.

About Cypress

Cypress is a popular open-source automated testing framework designed for modern web applications. It stands out for its unique architecture and developer-friendly approach. Cypress provides a comprehensive testing ecosystem that includes an intuitive test runner, built-in browser automation, and a rich set of APIs for easy test development. With Cypress, developers can write end-to-end tests using JavaScript or TypeScript, enabling them to simulate user interactions and validate the behavior of their web applications. Cypress offers real-time reloading, automatic waiting, and time-travel debugging, making it efficient and user-friendly for both developers and quality assurance teams.

About Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs is a leading cloud-based automated testing platform that specializes in cross-browser and cross-platform testing. It provides a wide range of testing solutions, including real device testing, virtual machine testing, and web browser testing. With Sauce Labs, developers and QA teams can run tests on various operating systems, browsers, and devices, ensuring their applications are compatible and perform well across different environments. Sauce Labs offers extensive support for Selenium and Appium, allowing users to write tests in popular programming languages. The platform also provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities to track test results and identify potential issues. Overall, Sauce Labs empowers organizations to achieve faster and more reliable testing, improving the quality and user experience of their software applications.

Do these software support both mobile and desktop testing?


Based on the official Cypress website, it appears that while Cypress does not support running on native mobile apps, it does provide functionality for testing mobile web browsers and web applications developed within a browser, such as those built with the Ionic framework. Cypress allows you to control the viewport and test responsive, mobile views on websites or web applications. It also offers custom commands to mimic behaviors like swiping. 

"Cypress will never be able to run on a native mobile app, but we can test some functionality of mobile web browsers and test mobile applications that are developed in a browser, such as with the Ionic framework.

Currently you can control the viewport with the cy.viewport() command to test responsive, mobile views in a website or web application. You can also mimic certain behaviors like swiping using custom commands."

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs supports running tests on both mobile and desktop environments. The platform offers a comprehensive testing infrastructure that allows users to perform automated testing on real mobile devices, virtual devices, as well as desktop browsers. With Sauce Labs, you can test your applications across various operating systems, browsers, and devices to ensure compatibility and functionality. Whether you need to validate your software on mobile devices or desktop browsers, Sauce Labs provides the necessary capabilities to execute tests in both environments.

"With Sauce Labs, you can run live tests of your web apps using native browsers for Android and iOS on both virtual and real mobile devices," they state on their official website. 

What types of testing do these softwares support?


Cypress can run various types of tests, including:

  1. End-to-End (E2E) Testing: Cypress excels in end-to-end testing, allowing you to write comprehensive tests that simulate user interactions and validate the behavior of your web application from start to finish.
  2. Integration Testing: Cypress enables integration testing by allowing you to test the interaction between different components or modules of your application to ensure they work correctly together.
  3. Unit Testing: While Cypress is primarily designed for end-to-end testing, it also supports unit testing by allowing you to isolate and test individual units or functions within your application.
  4. Component Testing: Cypress provides the ability to test individual components of your application in isolation, ensuring their functionality and behavior are as expected.
  5. Regression Testing: With Cypress, you can easily perform regression testing to ensure that new code changes or feature additions do not introduce any unintended side effects or regressions in your application.

In short, as they claim it on their website cypress can test anything that runs in a browser.

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs supports various types of tests, including:

  1. Cross-Browser Testing: Sauce Labs specializes in cross-browser testing, allowing you to test your web applications across a wide range of browsers and browser versions. You can ensure that your application functions correctly and appears consistent across different browsers, helping to identify and resolve any browser-specific issues.
  2. Cross-Platform Testing: With Sauce Labs, you can perform cross-platform testing by running your tests on different operating systems (such as Windows, macOS, and Linux) and various mobile platforms (including Android and iOS). This helps ensure that your application works seamlessly on different platforms and devices.
  3. Mobile App Testing: Sauce Labs provides the capability to test mobile applications on real devices or emulators. You can validate the functionality, performance, and user experience of your mobile apps across different devices, screen sizes, and operating systems.
  4. Web Application Testing: Sauce Labs allows you to test web applications across multiple browsers and operating systems, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different environments.
  5. Automated Testing: Sauce Labs offers support for various automated testing frameworks and tools, including Selenium and Appium. This allows you to write automated tests using your preferred programming language and framework and leverage Sauce Labs' infrastructure for scalable and distributed test execution.

These are some of the key types of tests that Sauce Labs supports, helping organizations ensure the quality, compatibility, and performance of their applications across different browsers, platforms, and devices.

Localization possibility 


Cypress itself does not have built-in features specifically designed for localization testing. Cypress primarily focuses on end-to-end testing and does not provide dedicated functionality for handling localization aspects such as language switching, resource management, or verification of localized content.

To perform localization testing with Cypress, you would typically need to incorporate additional libraries or custom code to handle the localization aspects within your test scripts. These libraries or custom code would assist in managing language settings, handling translated content, and validating the behavior of localized elements.

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs enables you to perform comprehensive testing of web and mobile applications across a vast array of browser-OS-device combinations, exceeding a thousand options. To examine how a localized application behaves in different regions worldwide, you can utilize WonderProxy, a globally distributed network of proxy servers. By leveraging this framework, you can effectively conduct GeoIP testing across all available locations and browser-OS-hardware combinations, ensuring thorough coverage and accurate insights into your application's performance and behavior.

Cross-Browser Testing 

Both Cypress and Sauce Labs support cross-browser testing.

Do these platforms use AI or ML?

While Cypress does not explicitly incorporate AI (Artificial Intelligence) or ML (Machine Learning) techniques as part of its core functionality, we discovered a news article from 2020 on the Sauce Labs website announcing the launch of a new machine learning-based analytics solution by Sauce Labs.

Pricing and a free trial

Sauce Labs offers three pricing packages, which include a free option that provides 2000 free credits per week and the ability to test on up to 10 devices simultaneously. The most expensive plan offered by Sauce Labs costs $600 per year.

On the other hand, Cypress provides four pricing plans, including a free plan and a customizable plan tailored for enterprises. The free plan includes 3 users and 500 test results, whereas the other two plans are priced at $799 and $3199 per year.

In conclusion, both Tricentis and Katalon offer powerful tools for automated software testing, with unique features and functionalities that cater to different needs and preferences. Tricentis provides a robust and comprehensive platform that leverages AI and ML technologies, offering advanced capabilities for complex enterprise testing scenarios. Katalon, on the other hand, offers an easy-to-use and affordable solution that is suitable for small to mid-sized teams and individual users. Ultimately, the choice between Tricentis and Katalon depends on the specific needs, budget, and preferences of the organization or individual. However, both companies provide excellent customer support and resources to ensure users can get the most out of their products.


When comparing Cypress and Sauce Labs as automated testing software options in 2023, both platforms offer valuable features for efficient testing processes. However, there are notable differences to consider.

Cypress, an end-to-end testing framework, provides a developer-friendly environment with a comprehensive set of APIs and utilities. It offers a free plan, making it an accessible choice for smaller projects. Its focus on simplicity and fast test execution makes it a popular option for web application testing.

On the other hand, Sauce Labs is a cloud-based testing platform that allows for cross-browser and mobile testing on a scalable infrastructure. It offers a machine learning-based analytics solution, providing insights for test analysis. Sauce Labs offers a free package with limited credits and parallel testing capabilities, along with various pricing plans catering to different needs.

In terms of pricing, Cypress offers a free plan and affordable paid plans, while Sauce Labs has a free package as well but offers more extensive pricing options, including a higher-end plan that could be suitable for enterprises with specific requirements.

Ultimately, the choice between Cypress and Sauce Labs depends on the project's needs, team preferences, and budget considerations. Developers and smaller teams may find Cypress appealing due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, while larger teams and enterprises may benefit from the comprehensive features and scalability offered by Sauce Labs.

To make an informed decision, it is advisable to evaluate the specific requirements, testing objectives, and available resources before selecting the most suitable automated testing software for your needs.

About the author

author photo: Tamas Cser

Tamas Cser


Tamas Cser is the founder, CTO, and Chief Evangelist at Functionize, the leading provider of AI-powered test automation. With over 15 years in the software industry, he launched Functionize after experiencing the painstaking bottlenecks with software testing at his previous consulting company. Tamas is a former child violin prodigy turned AI-powered software testing guru. He grew up under a communist regime in Hungary, and after studying the violin at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, toured the world playing violin. He was bitten by the tech bug and decided to shift his talents to coding, eventually starting a consulting company before Functionize. Tamas and his family live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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